АПІТУ включена до реєстру Глобального договору ООН

Dear Mr. Perohanych,

Welcome to the United Nations Global Compact. We are pleased to inform you that The Association of Information Technology Enterprises of Ukraine has been added to our register of participants. Thank you for joining our corporate responsibility initiative - the world's largest with over 6,500 business and non-business participants in 135 countries. An official welcome letter and information package will be sent to your organization's top executive via mail. Please allow 3 to 6 weeks for delivery.

This email provides an overview of your organization's commitment to the UN Global Compact and helpful information related to engagement in our initiative.

Expectations of Participation

As a participant, The Association of Information Technology Enterprises of Ukraine commits to:

  • Support the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact with respect to human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption;
  • Advance these principles within your sphere of influence, and make a clear statement of this commitment to your stakeholders and the general public;
  • Take part in the activities of the UN Global Compact, for example: participate in Local Networks; join specialized initiatives and workstreams; engage in partnership projects; and review Communications on Progress posted by participating companies.

Guidance Materials

All new UN Global Compact participants are asked to read "After the Signature - A Guide to Engagement in the Global Compact." The short publication provides an introduction to the UN Global Compact and suggests practical steps to start the implementation process.


A resource library is available on our website to aid UN Global Compact participants in implementing the Ten Principles, engaging in partnerships and communicating progress on corporate responsibility actions:
