Неурядові організації зарубіжних країн
- Information Technology Association of Canada (ITAC), www.itac.ca
- There are also regional Canadian IT-associations, which form the The Canadian ICT Federation www.itac.ca/ICTFederation
Ассоциация предприятий компьютерных и информационных технологий (АП КИТ),
National Association of Internet Service Providers (ANISP), www.anisp.ro
President: Mihai Batrineanu, Executive Director: Gheorghe Serban, gserban [at] anisp.ro
1 Natiunile Unite Blvd., Bl. 108 A, 1st Floor, Bucharest, Romania
Phone: 00 40 21 316 10 31, Fax: 00 40 21 316 10 29
Employers Association of the Software Industry and Services (ANIS), www.anis.ro
President: Liviu DRĂGAN,
Phone: 00 40 21 223 28 26, E-mail: office [at] totalsoft.ro
Executive Director: Valerica DRAGOMIR, Phone: 00 40 21 327 63 66, E-mail: v.dragomir [at] anis.ro
202A Spl. Independentei, Cladirea Softchim, Sector 6, Bucharest, ROMANIA
Phone/ Fax: 00 40 21 3121397, Email:office [at] anis.ro
Association of Producers and Distributors for ITC Equipments (APDETIC), www.asociatiait.ro
President: Valentin Negoita, E-mail: negoita.valentin [at] asociatiait.ro
105 Sos. Oltenitei, sector 4, Bucharest, Romania
Phone/ Fax: 00 40 31 4016702
Romanian Association for Electronic and Software Industry (ARIES), www.aries.ro
President: Gheorghe Rusu, Executive Vice President: Florin Vrejoiu
202A Splaiul Independentei, sector 6, Bucharest, Romania
Phone: 00 40 21 3162774; 00 40 21 3134120, Fax: 00 40 21 3162773, E-mail: office [at] aries.ro
Romanain Employers Organization in Electronic, Electrotechnical, IT and Communication Industry (APREL), www.aprel.ro
Romanian Information Technology & Communication Association (ATIC), www.atic.org.ro
President: Prof. Dr. Vasile Baltac, vasile.baltac [at] atic.org.ro,
Secretary General: Petre Ghibu, petre.ghibu [at] atic.org.ro
167 Calea Floreasca, 014459 - Bucharest, Romania
Phone: 00 40 21 2321908, Fax: 00 40 21 2331877
E-mail: officeATIC@atic.org.ro
Association of Producers and Distributors of ITC Equipment (APDETIC), www.asociatiait.ro
Collective Organization for the Management of Electric and Electronis Equipment Waist (WEEE - ECOTIC) www.ecotic.ro
President: Valentin Negoita, E-mail: negoita.valentin [at] asociatiait.ro
Executive Director: Mihai Posedaru, E-mail: mihai.posedaru [at] ecotic.ro
105 Sos. Oltenitei, sector 4, Bucharest, Romania
Phone/ Fax: 00 40 031 4016702; 00 40 021 3323238
Email: office [at] ecotic.ro
Information Technology Association of America (ITAA), www.itaa.org
Information Technology Industry Council (ITI), www.itic.org
ІТ-асоціації інших країн
Міжнародні неурядові організації
CECUA Confederation of European Computer User Associations, http://www.cecua.org
EASST European Association for the Study of Science and Technology, http://www.easst.org
ECIS European Comittee for Interopable Systems, http://www.e-c-i-s.org
ECMA European Computer Manufacturers Association, http://www.ecma-international.org
ECTEL European Telecommunications and Professionnal Electronics Industry
EEMA Electrical and Electronic Manufacturing Association, http://www.eema.org
EICTA European Information, Communications and Consumer Electronics Technology
Industry Association, http://www.eicta.org, див. також тут
EMF European Multimedia Forum, http://www.e-multimedia.org
ERIK European Regions Knowledge based Innovation Network, http://www.eriknetwork.net
ETIS The Global Association for Telecommunications, http://www.etis.org/about/index.asp
ETSA European Telecommunication Services Association, http://www.etsa.org
ETSI European Telecommunications Standart Institute, http://www.etsi.org
EURESCOM European Institute for Research and Strategic Studies in Telecommunications
GmbH, http://www.eurescom.de
EUROBIT European Association of Manufacturers of Business Machines and
Information Technology, http://www.eurobit.com
EUSIDIC European Association of Information Services, http://www.eusidic.net
FITCE Federation of Telecommunications Engineers of the European Community,
IANIS Innovative Actions Network for the Information Society http://www.ianis.net/index.php
ITCA International Technology Channels Association, http://itca.eu
ITEA Information Technology for European Advancement, http://www.itea-office.org
ESA European Software Association, http://www.europeansoftware.org/workgroups.html
YES Young Entrepreneurs of Europe, http://www.yes.be