Gartner вважає, що світові поставки ПК в четвертому кварталі 2011 року зменшилися на 1,4 відсотка; за підсумками 2011 поставки збільшилися на 0,5 відсотка
Gartner Says Worldwide PC Shipments in Fourth Quarter of 2011 Declined 1.4 Per Cent; Year-End Shipments Increased 0.5 Per Cent
Healthy Professional PC and Emerging Market Growth Couldn’t Compensate for Weak Holiday Consumer PC Demand
STAMFORD, Conn., January 11, 2012 — After two quarters of positive growth, worldwide PC shipments totalled 92.2 million units in the fourth quarter of 2011, a 1.4 per cent decline from the fourth quarter of 2010, according to preliminary results by Gartner, Inc. These figures were in line with Gartner’s earlier forecast of a 1 per cent decline for the fourth quarter of 2011.
Gartner Says Worldwide IT Spending to Grow 3.7 Per Cent in 2012
Eurozone Crisis and Hard-Disk Drive Shortage Impacting Spending; Analysts to Discuss 2012 IT Spending Outlook During Gartner Webinar on 10 January
STAMFORD, Conn., January 5, 2012 — Worldwide IT spending is forecast to total $3.8 trillion in 2012, a 3.7 per cent increase from 2011, according to the latest outlook by Gartner, Inc. In 2011, worldwide IT spending totalled $3.7 trillion, up 6.9 per cent from 2010 levels.
Gartner has revised downward its outlook for 2012 global IT spending from its previous forecast of 4.6 per cent growth. All four major technology sectors computing hardware, enterprise software, IT services and telecommunications equipment and services are expected to experience slower spending growth in 2012 than previously forecast.
"Faltering global economic growth, the eurozone crisis and the impact of Thailand's floods on hard-disk drive (HDD) production have all taken their toll on the outlook for IT spending," said Richard Gordon, research vice president at Gartner.
Gartner Outlines Six Ways for Providers to Go to Market in the Data Centre
Stamford, Conn., December 5, 2011 — IT managers are beginning to view the data centre more holistically and are taking a more strategic approach to technology procurement and deployment, and technology and service providers that sell into the data centre will want to broaden their marketing approach, according to Gartner, Inc.
Gartner Says Worldwide Server Shipments Grew 7 Per Cent; Revenue Increased 5 Per Cent in the Third Quarter of 2011
STAMFORD, Conn, November 29, 2011 — Worldwide server shipments in the third quarter of 2011 grew 7.2 per cent year-on-year, while revenue increased 5.2 per cent year-on-year, according to Gartner, Inc.
“The third quarter of 2011 produced growth on a global level but there was some significant variation in growth by region,” said Jeffrey Hewitt, research vice president at Gartner. “All regions showed growth in both shipments and vendor revenue except for Western Europe which posted a 4.9 per cent decline in revenue for the period. Asia/Pacific grew the most significantly in shipments with a 23.9 per cent increase. Eastern Europe posted the highest vendor revenue growth at 27.4 per cent for the period.”
Gartner Says Worldwide PC Shipments to Grow 14 Per Cent in 2010
Five Disruptive Forces Challenging PC Industry
STAMFORD, Conn., November 29, 2010 — Worldwide PC shipments are on pace to total 352.4 million units in 2010, a 14.3 per cent increase from 2009, according to the latest preliminary forecast by Gartner, Inc. These projections are down from Gartner’s previous PC shipment forecast in September of 17.9 per cent growth.
2011 worldwide PC shipments are forecast to reach 409 million units, a 15.9 per cent increase from 2010. This is down from Gartner’s earlier estimate of 18.1 per cent growth for 2011.
“These results reflect marked reductions in expected near-term unit growth based on expectations of weaker consumer demand, due in no small part to growing user interest in media tablets such as the iPad,” said Ranjit Atwal, research director at Gartner. “Over the longer term, media tablets are expected to displace around 10 per cent of PC units by 2014.”
While Gartner does not regard the current dynamics in the PC market quite yet as an inflexion point, analysts do see many disruptive forces coming together that will weaken the market moving forward.
Через рік після початку продажів Windows 7 понад 18,7% українських користувачів уже працюють на комп'ютерах із цією операційною системою. Українці опановують нову Windows швидше, ніж користувачі у світі – загальносвітовий показник склав 17,1%. Очікується, що до другої річниці Windows 7 вона працюватиме вже на більш ніж половині всіх персональних комп'ютерів у світі.
За перший рік продано понад 240 млн. копій Windows 7. Це дозволило аналітикам назвати її операційною системою, яка продається найшвидше в історії. Зокрема, в Україні темпи продажів Windows 7 на 11% перевищили темпи продажів Windows Vista протягом першого року її існування.
«19% українців, які використовують Windows 7, – це лише початок. Вже зараз ми бачимо, як на нову ОС переходять великі корпорації, яким вона приносить економію коштів і ресурсів. Для користувачів Windows 7 – це не тільки швидка, зручна й красива операційна система, але й величезний вибір пристроїв – від ноутбуків до форм-фактору «все в одному». Наприклад, українська компанія «Навігатор» побудувала на Windows 7 цілу лінійку неттопів, ПК і навіть планшет власної розробки», – говорить Дмитро Шимків, генеральний директор «Майкрософт Україна».
STAMFORD, Conn. September 13 10, 2010 — Worldwide semiconductor capital equipment spending is projected to approach $36.9 billion in 2010, a 122.1 per cent increase from 2009 spending of $16.6 billion, according to Gartner, Inc. In 2011, semiconductor capital equipment spending will grow 4.9 per cent.
"The strong semiconductor growth in 2010 has driven semiconductor capital growth to all-time highs," said Klaus Rinnen, managing vice president at Gartner. "Capital expenditure (capex) is above 95 per cent due to strong spending by the foundry and logic segments, along with a technology upgrade for the memory manufacturers. In 2011, capex growth is expected to slow to 10 per cent, because a slowing economy will negatively impact electronic and semiconductor sales."
"Companies should prepare their manufacturing plan for a softer 2011, when equipment purchases will focus more on capacity than technology equipment," Mr Rinnen said. "Companies should also prepare business plans for the next equipment down cycle, starting in late 2012, because memory companies will have overinvested, thus generating excess equipment."
All segments of the semiconductor capital equipment market will experience exceptionally strong growth in 2010, and all of these segments will continue to experience growth through 2012 (see Table 1).
STAMFORD, Conn., August 31, 2010 — Worldwide PC shipments are projected to total 367.8 million units in 2010, a 19.2 per cent increase from 308.3 million units shipped in 2009, according to the latest preliminary forecast by Gartner, Inc.
"The PC market revived in the first half of 2010, but the real test of its resilience is yet to come," said Ranjit Atwal, research director at Gartner. "We have reduced our forecast for second-half 2010 PC growth to 15.3 per cent, approximately 2 per cent below our previous forecast, in light of the uncertain economic outlook for the United States and Western Europe. There is no doubt that consumer, if not business PC demand has slowed relative to expectations in mature markets. Recent dramatic shifts in the PC supply chain were in no small part a reaction to fears of a sharp slowdown in mature-market demand. However, suppliers' risk-aversion is as much a factor in these shifts as any actual downshift in demand."
Western Europe Saw Another Quarter of Strong Growth, But UK Remained Weak
Egham, UK, 25 August 2010 — PC shipments in Western Europe totalled 15.6 million units in the second quarter of 2010, a 19.6 per cent increase from the same period in 2009, according to Gartner, Inc.
“Western Europe showed continued growth in the second quarter, recovering quickly from the slowdown seen in the first half of 2009,” said Ranjit Atwal, research director at Gartner. “The PC market has so far defied the general economic downturn, but the real test will be in the second half of 2010, since we saw a stronger second half in 2009.”
“The strong performance in the second quarter of 2010 was partly due to a weak second quarter of 2009. For a better comparison, the PC market in Western Europe grew 6 per cent compared with the second quarter of 2008, indicating not only a recovery but good underlying market strength.
Ниже - объявление Gartner о Конференции 13-14 сентября в Лондоне для руководителей компаний вендоров, дистрибьюторов и ритейлеров по вопросам цепочки поставок в ИТ индустрии.
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AMR Research Announces Inaugural Supply Chain Executive Conference 2010 in Europe
13-14 September, Lancaster London Hotel, London, UK
Egham, UK, 18 June, 2010 — AMR Research, a Gartner, Inc. company, today announced its Supply Chain Executive Conference 2010, to be held in London at the Lancaster London hotel on 13-14 September.
At the conference, AMR Research analysts will outline how leading organisations have succeeded and chart a road map for supply chain excellence. This will include showcasing proven best practices in acquiring and maintaining talent, building efficient business processes and getting value from supporting technology investments.
Mobile PC Market Experiences Strongest Growth Rate in Eight Years
STAMFORD, Conn., May 25, 2010 — Worldwide mobile PC shipments totalled 49.4 million units in the first quarter of 2010, a 43.4 per cent increase from the first quarter of 2009, according to final results by Gartner, Inc. This year-over-year growth is the highest the mobile PC market has experienced in eight years and represents about $36 billion in end-user spending.
Table 1
Worldwide Mobile PC Vendor Unit Shipment Estimates for 1Q10 (Thousands of Units)
Company |
1Q10 Shipments
1Q10 Market Share (%)
1Q09 Shipments
1Q09 Market Share (%)
1Q09-1Q10 Growth (%)
Source: Gartner (May 2010)
Gartner estimates that there are about 500 million mobile PCs currently in use worldwide. Products from adjacent categories, such as smartphones and media tablets (Apple's iPad), offer messaging and web access, which are challenging the key applications for PCs. While Gartner does not see these products as a direct replacement for mobile PCs, analysts are closely monitoring how consumers and businesses are using them. The top applications that are downloaded will tell a lot about how these devices could displace some mobile PC sales in the future.
Gartner Research та 1To1 Media відзначили Microsoft Dynamics CRM та платформу xRM за високу продуктивність і зниження витрат для замовників.
Mitsubishi Caterpillar Forklift Europe (MCFE), провідний виробник навантажувачів, центральний офіс якого знаходиться у Нідерландах, отримав нагороду Gartner CRM Excellence Award завдяки впровадженню Microsoft Dynamics CRM. Такими нагородами Gartner та 1to1 Media відзначають компанії, які досягають виняткових успіхів у об'єднанні стратегії, технологій і тактичних дій, що приносить цінність клієнтам і компаніям.
MCFE – компанія, яка займається виробництвом, продажем і дистрибуцією виделкових навантажувачів, завдяки впровадженню Microsoft Dynamics CRM змогла вдосконалити процеси приймання та обробки замовлень, ІТ-підтримку клієнтських запитів та взаємовідносин із дилерами. Час, необхідний на настроювання бізнес-застосунків, скоротився з 35 до 10 днів, витрати на розгортання скоротилися на 60%, а час обробки замовлень скоротився з 5 хвилин до 90 секунд.
В 2010 году мировые поставки персональных компьютеров составят 366,1 млн.штук. что на 19,7% больше 305,8 млн.штук, поставленных в прошлом году. Такой прогноз опубликован аналитической компанией "Gartner". В деньгах это составит $254 млрд., что на 12,2% превышает данные 2009 года, сообщает ЛИГАБизнесИнформ.
Такие показатели выглядят намного оптимистичнее, чем прогноз 13,3%-ного роста поставок ПК, который аналитики компании сделали в конце декабря прошлого года. По прогнозам аналитиков, рост продаж будет наблюдаться на всех рынках, также сезонные пики продаж будут более ярко выраженными. Рынок будет расти на протяжении следующих нескольких лет.
"Индустрия ПК будет в основном развиваться благодаря портативным ПК, которые хорошо продаются как на зрелых, так и на развивающихся рынках. Обеспечивать этот рост в 2010 году будут мининоутбуки, но их могут потеснить ноутбуки с низким потреблением энергии и планшеты. Поставки десктопов будут сокращаться, а спрос на них будет наблюдаться в основном на развивающихся рынках", - заявил руководитель исследовательской группы "Gartner" Джордж Шиффлер (George Shiffler).
Gartner Highlights Key Predictions for IT Organisations and Users in 2010 and Beyond
This Year's Predictions Span 56 Markets, Topics and Industry Areas
Stamford, Conn., January 13, 2010 — Gartner, Inc. has highlighted the key predictions that herald long-term changes in approach for IT organisations and the people they serve for 2010 and beyond. Gartner's top predictions for 2010 showcase the trends and events that will change the nature of business today and beyond.
These predictions were selected from across Gartner’s research areas as the most compelling and critical predictions. The trends and topics they address this year speak to the changing balance of power and focus in IT. Gartner analysts said last year's themes of shifting ownership and revenue flows continue, becoming more pronounced and more sharply focused. As the macro-economic environment adjusts to a new balance between supply, consumer demand and regulation, the focus of this year's top predictions has expanded to encompass shifts in the way that users interact with IT.
Future of BI to Be Discussed at Gartner Business Intelligence Summit 2010 in London
Egham, UK, 9 December, 2009 — Once the preserve of cash-strapped organisations, open-source business intelligence (BI) tools are becoming a mainstream deployment option for all kinds of BI usage, according to Gartner, Inc.
Gartner analysts said that while functionality is not yet on a par with large commercial platforms and is still rarely seen as an business-wide BI standard, open-source BI tool deployment is growing solidly.
“Open-source BI has seen an interesting adoption pattern over the last few years,” said Andreas Bitterer, research vice president at Gartner. “Hardly any organisation looked at open-source BI until 2004, let alone deployed it to a significant number of users, but this submarket had developed nicely, having developed consistent growth rates over the last few years.”
Although the average size deal for an open-source BI contract remains approximately $30,000 for a yearly subscription, some contracts repeatedly exceed $500,000 for a multiyear support subscription, which is in the same ballpark as many commercial counterparts.